My Brown Wren Jewelry and Jewelry Making Tutorials

Earth Conscious Jewelry & Jewelry Making Tutorials

Metal Clay

Inspiration During Uncertain Times

Tammi SloanComment

It has been a while since I last blogged. Much has transpired since December 28th, not the least of which is COVID-19.

On February 6th, I fell off my kitchen counter, broke the top of my left radius and got a nasty concussion. Life has been very different since then. I’ve basically been sheltering in place since, only venturing out for PT and doctor appointments, but even that has come to a halt. Well, I don’t need to tell you how boring and isolating it has been. Thank goodness for my husband! He keeps me laughing, which is something we all need right now!!!

Not being able “to do” something forced me to get creative with what I had available to me. I started working in metal clay again. That’s been slow, but very therapeutic for my arm. My husband started watching YouTube videos on paint pouring. I would sneak a peak when I could, but computer time with a head injury is bad news. It’s getting better, but I can’t binge watch like I would normally, devouring every bit of knowledge I could.

So, one Thursday night, we both decided it was time to pour some paint. No more procrastination! It was an absolute blast, and we did it together. This was the first time we did an art project together, believe it or not! I can’t tell you how happy that made me feel, made us both feel!

One of the best and most therapeutic things you can do when you are stuck at home is to create. You don’t have to have to be an artist. You don’t have to paint. Paper and a pencil will do. Doodle, draw objects around the house. Search the Internet for a pretty picture and draw that. Journal. It will be very interesting to read journals ten years from now to see where people were at during this crisis.

Another great thing to do is Meditation! Sit in a chair or lay down, whatever is most comfortable for you. Personally, I like to lay down. Start breathing deeply, paying attention to your breath. Thoughts will come and go, but bring your attention back to your breath when you realize you have wandered off in thought. This exercise is so simple that anyone, even your kids, can do it. It is relaxing and brings a sense of peace and calm during these uncertain times.

I’d love to hear what you are doing right now to stay safe and keep your sanity. Comment below. Stay connected!

In health,

Tammi Sloan